To overcome the grand challenges we face as a society, collaboration and co-ordination across the Scottish research and innovation landscape is paramount. Research Innovation Scotland (RIS) has been created by the research pools (including SUPA) in collaboration with Scotland's Innovation Centres and Interface.
Vidit the RIS website to see cross-pool and multi-disciplinary activities, case studies and funding opportunities.
The Research Pools
- SULSA - Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance
- ScotCHEM - Scottish Universities Chemistry Research Pool
- SUPA - Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
- SINAPSE - Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Exellence
- SAGES - Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environement and Society
- MASTS - Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland
- SICSA - Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance
- SRPe - Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering
- ETP - Energy Technology Partnership
- Soillse - National Research Network for the Maintenance and Revitalisation of Gaelic Language and Culture
The Innovation Centres
- DHI - Digital Care and Health Institute
- PMS-IC - Precision Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre
- CENSIS - Centre of Excellence for Sensing, Imaging and IoT Technologies
- iBioIC - Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre
- SAIC - Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre
- CS-IC - Construction Scotland Innovation Centre
- The Data Lab
Plus Interface